Monday, March 11, 2019

Title Font Selection

With a working title that we both agree on and an idea that will flow with it, in class we worked on fonts that are going to create the essence of our story. As I talked about in prior posts, the opening is going to involve a death of a character named Peter and then the camera is going to tile up and the title will appear. The idea that we have is that as the camera is tilting up the name will come down onto the screen. We haven't settled on where we want the title stop stop or the exact location of it but that will be decided when we are editing the film and incorporating the animation for the title.

In class today Jon and I used Microsoft Word and went through every font that it on it and came up with a short list so that we could visualize them all side by side. The picture below shows all the different fonts that we are considering and we are still discussing which of the following works best for us. 

In order of appearance the fonts present are: 

Gloucester MT
Eras Demi ITC
Maiandra GD
Niagara Engraved
Viner Hand ITC

The reasons that we decided on fonts like this is because we know that there is a sense of mental illness which would demonstrate a broken or crooked sense of the character, Homer. With having these different curves, slants, and slashes it makes everything seem more out of place and different than what would be considered "normal". I really felt that the Gloucester, Eras, and Maiandra provided a sense of off-balance that adds to our character and what drives his actions along in the opening and the remainder of the story. The Chiller, Misral, and Viner fonts are a more clear, present, and obvious idea of being broken and disturbed that would also work for Homer. 

We will have decided on which font we are going to use by the following class.

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